Computerized care methods
Symetris Agency - 2024
- ContextComputerized care methods are mainly aimed at healthcare personnel working daily with users: nurses, nursing assistants, candidates for the practice of the nursing profession (CEPI) and nursing externs.
- MethodHeuristic analysis, Behavioral studies, User surveys, Prototyping, Internal testing
- Value addedMeet the needs of nurses who regularly use computerized care records as a reference document; Optimize the reading of content on the records; Review the ergonomics for an adaptive design.

EGYM - Fitness like never before
Symetris Agency - 2023
Association of Pharmacists of Health Establishments of Quebec
Symetris Agency - 2022
Public Curator of Quebec
User Experience Specialist (UX, UI) - 2021
- ContextHelp the organization put into practice the principles of design thinking; Conceptualize the ministry's services in a logic of employee, customer and citizen experience.
- MethodHeuristic analysis, potential customer interviews, market research, personas, service journey, prototype, pitch, presentation, business plan, business canvas, brand development (bradning), design thinking, scriptwriting.
- Value addedParticipate in the Public Curator’s innovation cell and in improving internal Design thinking processes. Creation of a design system. Drafting of internal documentation and creation of user journeys.

Projet entrepreneurial de vulgarisation scientifique - 2018
- ContextIn a business creation context, understand the needs of an audience and target them with a product solution.
- MethodHeuristic analysis, potential customer interviews, market research, personas, service journey, prototype, pitch, presentation, business plan, business canvas, brand development (bradning), design thinking, scriptwriting.
- Value addedCreation of an end-to-end product and service. Target and offer a solution that enhances the client’s content, Genome Quebec.

Platform offering entertainment content - 2017